AEiC 2024 accepted contributions

Journal track

The following journal-track submissions have successfully passed the first round of review, and have been invited to be presented at the conference:

Toward Linux-based safety-critical systems — Execution time variability analysis of Linux system calls. Markel Galarraga, Charles-Alexis Lefebvre, Jon Perez-Cerrolaza, Jose A. Pascual.

HyFAR: a cost-effective Hypervisor-based Fault tolerance Approach for Heterogeneous Automotive Real-time Systems. Johannes Lex, Ralph Mader, Margull Ulrich, Dietmar Fey.

Modelling Task Priority in Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Embedded Software in Ada. Ranjani Krishnan, Ashutosh Gupta.

Unishyper: A Rust-based Unikernel Enhancing Reliability and Efficiency of Embedded Systems. Bo Jiang, Keyang Hu, Wang Huang, Lei Wang, Ce Mo, Yu Chen, Ju Ren.

MLino Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmarking Tool for Evaluating ML Models on Edge Devices. Vlad-Eusebiu Baciu, Johan Stiens, Bruno Da Silva.

Enhancing Scalability of Static Code Analysis through Graph Database and Pattern Matching. Quentin Dauprat,Paul Dorbec, Gaetan Richard, Jean-Pierre Rosen.

Using MAST for Modeling and Response-Time Analysis of Real-Time Applications with GPUs. Iosu Gomez, Unai Díaz de Cerio, Jorge Parra, Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Michael González Harbour.

Zero-Trust Design and Assurance Patterns for Cyber-Physical Systems. Saqib Hasan, Isaac Amundson, David Hardin.

A Framework for Static Analysis and Verification of Low-Level RTOS Code. Vignesh Manjunath, Marcel Baunach.

The MATERIAL Framework: Modeling and AuTomatic Code Generation of Edge Real-TIme AppLications under the QNX RTOS. Matthias Becker, Daniel Casini.

An Autoencoder Architecture for Network Intrusion Detection in Embedded Systems. Niccolò Borgioli, Federico Aromolo, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, Giorgio Buttazzo.

Assuring the Safety of Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems in Electric Vehicles. Faiz Ul Muram, Muhammad Atif Javed, Paul Pop.

Gradient Descent Algorithm for the Optimization of Fixed Priorities in Real-Time Systems. Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Ana Guasque, Patricia Balbastre.

Work-in-progress track

The following work-in-progress papers have been accepted at the conference:

A Framework for Improving Portability and Ensuring Correctness of Operating System Kernels. Vignesh Manjunath, Marcel Baunach.

Algebraic Effects and Static Analysis for Safety-Critical Applications in Fuzion. Fridtjof Siebert, Michael Lill, Max Teufel.

An Iterative Benchmark Configuration Method for Quantifying Multi-Core Interference. Sébastien Levieux, Frank Singhoff, Stéphane Rubini, Philippe Plasson, Pierre-Vincent Gouel, Lee-Roy Malac-Allain, Lucas Miné, Gabriel Brusq.

Improving availability in a robotic application without loss of safety. Gema Rincon, Carlos-F. Nicolas, Tomaso Poggi.

Re-configurable and Scalable Honeynet for Cyber-Physical Systems. Luís Sousa, José Cecílio, Pedro Ferreira, Alan Oliveira.

Software-based Security Framework for Edge and Mobile IoT. José Cecílio, Alan Sa, André Souto.

Supporting Ada in the ROSE compiler Peter Pirkelbauer, Chunhua Liao, Pei-Hung Lin, David Wright, Charles Reynolds, Daniel Quinlan.

Task-to-Thread Mapping in OpenMP Using Fuzzy Decision Making. Mohammad Samadi, Tiago Carvalho, Luis Miguel Pinho, Sara Royuela.

Industrial track

The following industrial presentations have been accepted at the conference:

Software verification and Generative AI - Some practical examples and considerations. Maurizio Martignano, Andrea Damiani, Daniele Gui, Sabina Magalini and Leonardo Nucciarelli.

HiRTOS: A Multi-Core RTOS writen in SPARK Ada J. German Rivera.

Using AdaCore's GNAT for CUDA for Safety Critical GPU Code Development and Verification. Dimitris Aspetakis, Matina Maria Trompouki, Leonidas Kosmidis, Jose Ruiz and Gabor Marosy

Implementing Unsafe Features on top of a Safe Intermediate Language. S. Tucker Taft.

FDN (Flexible Digital Network) for RTOS in the Automotive Industry. Ramon Llorca, Iñigo Alconada and Andreu Montiel.