Sponsorship and Exhibition
The conference is a leading international gathering of users and developers of reliable software technologies that offers companies the opportunity to get in contact with the AEiC community and to advertise their products. Special interests, although not limited to, include high-integrity software, verification tools, Ada-related technologies and AI solutions for high-integrity systems engineering.
With previous conferences attracting nearly 100 participants, there will be representatives from the industrial Ada community attending providing an excellent opportunity to liaise and discuss your products and offers.
Conference sponsors enjoy a whole range of benefits, including exhibition space and vendor sessions as part of the conference program.
Sponsorhip with exhibition benefits
Logo on conference web site with link.
Listed as sponsor with logo in the conference Advance Program, made available in the website and emailed to a large database of relevant stakeholders.
Listed as sponsor with logo in the conference Final Program, both made available online, as well as printed for conference participants.
Special mention in welcome address and closing remarks.
May supply material to be included in the conference delegate bag or placed at the conference registration.
One conference registration discount, as for Ada-Europe/ACM members.
Base sponsorship, plus
Logo and special mention in the welcome reception.
1/4 page advert in the social events section of advance and final program.
One waived registration + member discount to any other registration.
Base sponsorship, plus
Logo and special mention in the conference dinner.
Short speech at the conference dinner, with option to change it to the opening or closing of the conference.
1/4 page advert in the social events section of advance and final program.
Two waived registrations + member discount to any other registration.
Base sponsorship, plus
Opportunity to give 20 min presentation as part of the conference program.
1/4 page advert in the advance and final programs.
One waived registration + member discount to any other registration.
Exhibition space
Base sponsorship: 500€
Social event sponsorship A: 1000€
Social event sponsorship B: 2000€
Vendor sponsorship: 1000€
Exhibition option: +500€ (Additional to any previous package)
Packages can be modified to suit specific needs. Please contact us for further details.
Ada-Europe sponsors, please contact us for information on discounted packages.