
The 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) will take place in Barcelona, Spain, and will be an in-presence only event. The conference schedule comprises a keynote and an invited talk, a panel with invited experts, a journal track, an industrial track, a work-in-progress track, a vendor exhibition, parallel tutorials and hackaton, and satellite workshops.

The conference will take place in UPC Campus Nord, easily accessible by metro from the airport and city centre. If you can stay over before or after the conference, there's a lot to see around. Check the Practical Information section of the website for more info.

The call for contributions is available on this page.

Conference Program Synopsis

Morning Before Lunch After Lunch Afternoon Evening
11th June
Tutorials and Hackathon
T1: Lock-free programming
in Ada 2022
T2: Ada for business applications Welcome
Jardí de l'Abadessa
T3: Rust fundamentals T4: Concurrency and
parallelism with Rust
T5: Modeling concurrent state
machines in TLA+
T6: Introduction to the development of safety critical
T7: METASAT: programming high-performance RISC-V technologies for space
T8: Introduction to certifiable general purpose GPU programming for safety-critical systems
Hackathon: Optimizing AI-driven workflows within a mission-critical cyber-physical system
12th June
Technical Presentations
Keynote Session 1: Fault Tolerance and Reliability in Heterogeneous Systems Invited talk Session 3: Security and Safety in Embedded Systems Conference
7 portes
Session 2: Software Verification and Code Generation
Invited talk
13th June
Technical Presentations
Panel Session 4: Machine Learning and Optimization for Embedded Systems Session 5: Real-Time Systems and Their Analysis Session 6: Advancements in RTOS and Embedded Software Development Post conference chill-out:
Moritz brewery
14th June
Satellite Events
Workshop 1: DeCPS (Challenges and New Approaches
for Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering)
Workshop 2: ADEPT (AADL by its practitioners)
Workshop 3: Safe AI (Enabling the use of AI in Safety-Critical Systems)
Workshop 4: Ada Developers

Final Program

The final program in PDF is available here: Ada-Europe 2024 program

Booklet of Presentations

The booklet of presentations in PDF is available here: Ada-Europe 2024 booklet of presentations

Conference Core Composition

The core conference program features seven distinct types of technical presentations, with different duration, all followed by various manners of discussion time. In the visual synopsis of the program schedule, each distinct presentation type is denoted by a specific colour code.

Colour Code Duration
Journal-track talk 25 minutes
Industrial-track talk 15 minutes
Work-in-progress-track talk 10 minutes
Vendor 15 minutes
Keynote 1 hour
Panel Discussion 1 hour
Inivited talk 30 minutes

All papers presented at the conference in the journal track, the industrial track and the work-in-progress track have undergone peer review. All track chairs took it on themselves to assure that the review process was strictly free of conflict of interests between authors and reviewers.

It is a characterizing trait of the AEiC conference series that the presentations of such diverse contributions are combined into by-theme and not by-track presentation sessions, in order that authors and participants alike all enjoy all flavours of the program in a mixed as opposed to segregated combination.

Conference Core Schedule

Tuesday, 11 June
17h45 - 19:15 Conference registration (BSC facilities), MareNostrum V visit and welcome aperitive
19h30 - 23:00 Welcome dinner at Jardí de l'Abadessa

Wednesday, 12 June
08:30 - 09:00 Registration (UPC - Vertex building)
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome & Opening
09:15 - 10:15 Keynote talk
Strategies to build safety relevant high-performance HW/SW platforms for critical embedded systems
Francisco J. Cazorla, Jaume Abella, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Chair: Björn Andersson, Software Engineering Institute - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
10:15 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 1: Fault Tolerance and Reliability in Heterogeneous Systems
Chair: Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua, Italy
HyFAR: a cost-effective Hypervisor-based Fault tolerance Approach for Heterogeneous Automotive Real-time Systems
Johannes Lex, Ralph Mader, Margull Ulrich, Dietmar Fey
Enhancing Scalability of Static Code Analysis through Graph Database and Pattern Matching
Quentin Dauprat,Paul Dorbec, Gaetan Richard, Jean-Pierre Rosen
EUROCITY presentation
Emma Claus
FDN (Flexible Digital Network) for RTOS in the Automotive Industry
Ramon Llorca, Iñigo Alconada and Andreu Montiel
Re-configurable and Scalable Honeynet for Cyber-Physical Systems
Luís Sousa, José Cecílio, Pedro Ferreira, Alan Oliveira
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 Invited talk
Simplifying the life-cycle management of complex application workflows
Rosa Maria Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Chair: Sara Royuela, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
14:00 - 15:00 Session 2: Software Verification and Code Generation
Chair: Hai Nam Tran, University of Brest, France
Modelling Task Priority in Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Embedded Software in Ada
Ranjani Krishnan, Ashutosh Gupta
A Framework for Static Analysis and Verification of Low-Level RTOS Code
Vignesh Manjunath, Marcel Baunach
Algebraic Effects and Static Analysis for Safety-Critical Applications in Fuzion
Fridtjof Siebert, Michael Lill, Max Teufel
15:00 - 15:30 Invited talk
The Compute Continuum: An Efficient Use of Edge-to-Cloud Computing Resources
Eduardo Quiñones, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Chair: Luis Miguel Pinho, ISEP, Portugal
15:30 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 3: Security and Safety in Embedded
Chair: Matthias Becker, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Zero-Trust Design and Assurance Patterns for Cyber-Physical Systems
Saqib Hasan, Isaac Amundson, David Hardin
Assuring the Safety of Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems in Electric Vehicles
Faiz Ul Muram, Muhammad Atif Javed, Paul Pop
Implementing Unsafe Features on top of a Safe Intermediate Language
S. Tucker Taft
Software-based Security Framework for Edge and Mobile IoT
José Cecílio, Alan Sa, André Souto
A Framework for Improving Portability and Ensuring Correctness of Operating System Kernels
Vignesh Manjunath, Marcel Baunach
20h00 - 23:00 Conference Banquet at 7 portes

Thursday, 13 June
09:15 - 10:15 Panel
AI for Safety-Critical Systems: How "I" Should the AI be?
Kerstin Bach, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Irune Yarza, Ikerlan
Marta Barroso, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Chair/Moderator: Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University, Sweden
10:15 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 4: Machine Learning and Optimization for Embedded Systems
Chair: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bach, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
MLino Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmarking Tool for Evaluating ML Models on Edge Devices
Vlad-Eusebiu Baciu, Johan Stiens, Bruno Da Silva
An Autoencoder Architecture for Network Intrusion Detection in Embedded Systems
Niccolò Borgioli, Federico Aromolo, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, Giorgio Buttazzo
Gradient Descent Algorithm for the Optimization of Fixed Priorities in Real-Time Systems
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Ana Guasque, Patricia Balbastre
Software verification and Generative AI – Some practical examples and considerations
Maurizio Martignano, Andrea Damiani, Daniele Gui, Sabina Magalini and Leonardo Nucciarelli
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Session 5: Real-Time Systems and Their Analysis
Chair: Alejandro Mosteo, CUD Zaragoza, Spain
Toward Linux-based safety-critical systems — Execution time variability analysis of Linux system calls
Markel Galarraga, Charles-Alexis Lefebvre, Jon Perez-Cerrolaza, Jose A. Pascual
Using MAST for Modeling and Response-Time Analysis of Real-Time Applications with GPUs
Iosu Gomez, Unai Díaz de Cerio, Jorge Parra, Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Michael González Harbour
Using AdaCore's GNAT for CUDA for Safety Critical GPU Code Development and Verification
Dimitris Aspetakis, Matina Maria Trompouki, Leonidas Kosmidis, Jose Ruiz and Gabor Marosy
An Iterative Benchmark Configuration Method for Quantifying Multi-Core Interference
Sébastien Levieux, Frank Singhoff, Stéphane Rubini, Philippe Plasson, Pierre-Vincent Gouel, Lee-Roy Malac-Allain, Lucas Miné, Gabriel Brusq
Task-to-Thread Mapping in OpenMP Using Fuzzy Decision Making
Mohammad Samadi, Tiago Carvalho, Luis Miguel Pinho, Sara Royuela
15:00 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 17:00 Session 6: Advancements in RTOS and Embedded Software
Chair: Irune Yarza, Ikerlan, Spain
Unishyper: A Rust-based Unikernel Enhancing Reliability and Efficiency of Embedded Systems
Bo Jiang, Keyang Hu, Wang Huang, Lei Wang, Ce Mo, Yu Chen, Ju Ren
The MATERIAL Framework: Modeling and AuTomatic Code Generation of Edge Real-TIme AppLications under the QNX RTOS
Matthias Becker, Daniel Casini
HiRTOS: A Multi-Core RTOS writen in SPARK Ada
J. German Rivera
Supporting Ada in the ROSE compiler
Peter Pirkelbauer, Chunhua Liao, Pei-Hung Lin, David Wright, Charles Reynolds, Daniel Quinlan
Improving availability in a robotic application without loss of safety
Gema Rincon, Carlos-F. Nicolas, Tomaso Poggi
17:00 - 17:30 Awards
Closing of Core Program
19h15 - 23:00 Conference chill-out at Moritz brewery