Ada Developers Workshop

14 June 2024, Barcelona, Spain

Co-located with the 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024), June 11-14

The Ada Developers Workshop aims to create an informal yet dynamic platform for developers in the Ada community to meet, share insights, and present their latest projects or project updates, using the Ada programming language and Ada-related technology such as SPARK. The topics will range from community advocacy all the way to technical presentations. The focus of the Developers Workshop will be in topics and projects that are widely used within the community and which help grow the Ada pool of users and the quality of life of existing programmers.

AEiC 2024 is an ideal fit for an Ada Developers Workshop. On the one hand, it gives the general community an opportunity to see what is happening in the Ada world and how Ada can help to produce reliable and efficient open software. On the other hand, it gives Ada projects an opportunity to showcase themselves, get feedback and ideas, and attract participants to their project and collaboration between projects.

Normally, entrance to to AEiC costs a bit of money, however, the organisers have indicated that the Ada Developers Workshop will have a substantially reduced entry fee (we are working to make it fully free, stay tuned!). The chosen day is Friday, which should be a more convenient day for visitors and speakers with regards to accommodation, flying costs, taking some days off from work and having some extra time to visit Barcelona during the weekend.

Call for Presentations

We would like to schedule technical presentations, tutorials, demos, live performances, project status reports, discussions, etc, in the Ada Developers Workshop.

Do you have a talk you want to give? Do you have a project you would like to present? Would you like to get more people involved with your project?

We're inviting proposals that are related to Ada software development, and include a technical oriented discussion. You're not limited to slide presentations, of course. Be creative. Propose something fun to share with people so they might feel some of your enthusiasm for Ada!

Speaking slots should be around 30 minutes. However, we may allow for some flexibility in order to fit lighting talks as well as longer tutorials, demonstrations and discussions. All presentations should reserve at least 5 minutes for Q&A, meaning that the content should, in principle, last up-to 25 minutes.

Note that all talks will be streamed live (audio+video). After the streaming of the talk, a live Q&A session will take place. By submitting a proposal, you agree to being recorded and streamed. You also agree that the contents of your talk will be published under the Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA 4.0) license. Submission of the slides (if any are used) will be a requirement.

Online presentations will also be accepted, however, preference will be given to speakers present in the venue. If you would like to give a online talk, you will be asked to do a pre-recording and submit it some time before AEiC starts in case the internet connection does not work as expected.

Submission Guidelines

In order to submit a proposal for a talk, please, email the three organisers, Fernando, Fabien and Dirk (email down below) with the following information:

  • your name, affiliation, contact info;
  • the title of your talk (be descriptive and creative);
  • a short descriptive and attractive abstract;
  • potentially pointers to more information;
  • a short bio and photo;
  • indicate whether you will be presenting online or in person.

Take a look at programs of previous Ada DevRooms @ FOSDEM [1] and [2-6] for presentation examples, as well as for the kind of info we need. Also, feel free to have discussions over at Ada-Lang's webpage [7] and forum [8]!

Here is the slightly flexible schedule that we will follow:

  • March 31st, 2024: end of the submission period. Remember, we only need the information in the list above. You do not have to submit the entire talk by this date. Try to submit your proposal as early as possible. It is better to submit half of the details early than all late, so do not wait for the last minute. If you are a bit late, submit it nonetheless and message directly.
  • April 12th, 2024: announcement of accepted speakers and talks.
  • June 7th, 2024: your slides should be uploaded.
  • June 14th, 2024: Ada Developers Workshop day!

We look forward to lots of feedback and proposals!


  • Fernando Oleo Blanco, Libre Ada Software Aficionado,
  • Fabien Chouteau, AdaCore,
  • Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Belgium & KU Leuven,
